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What is

Endermologie ?



What is Endermologie?

The term ‘Endermologie is from the French term, meaning ‘through the dermis’. Endermologie was developed in 1985 by a French engineer, Louis-Paul Guitay. M. Guitay had suffered extensive tissue damage in a car accident and was undergoing four hours of rolling manual massage per day, carried out by four different therapists, in an attempt to loosen and elasticize the scars.
He found that these manual massages were so varied in quality that he designed a machine that would deliver a quality rolling massage, together with aspiration to nourish the area. This technique was used to treat burn scars with great success.

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Later the technique was adapted to treat healthy tissue, resulting in reduced cellulite, improved skin tone and body re-contouring.

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LPG® endermologie® is an FDA cleared, patented, and proprietary technique of cellular stimulation through reproducible mechanical massage. It is 100% natural and effective, and targets the connective tissues of the body and face, including skin, muscle, blood and lymphatic circulation. This mechanical massage technique provides a deep tissue mobilization within the Cellu M6® treatment head, with beauty, wellness, rehabilitation, sports and aesthetic medicine applications. LPG® techniques are non-aggressive and non-invasive, with no downtime and no known side effects.

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Using LPG® patented treatment heads, our devices are equipped with Independent Motorized Roller (I.M.R.) patented technology for the body, and Motorized Pulsating Flap (M.P.F.) patented technology for the face, along with an aspiration system that embraces a skinfold to gently stimulate the tissues of the body and the face. LPG® is the pioneer of advanced and patented technologies for the human body and was the first technology worldwide to gain FDA approval for the treatment of Cellulite. For over 30 years, LPG® has been developing non-invasive technologies for both natural beauty as well as advanced therapeutic treatments. The benefits of LPG® techniques have also been proven by over 140 reputable scientific studies. LPG® devices have been cleared by the FDA since 1998 and comply with all international quality standards.


LPG technology is
for anyone who?

  • Is looking for the missing link between overly gentle and ineffective techniques and risky, invasive, and harsh techniques.

  • Does not always equate beauty with medical procedures.

  • Feels that it’s too early or too late to consider

  • more aggressive techniques.

  • Wants to naturally boost their potential for slimming and

  • looking younger with long lasting effect.

  • Believes that taking care of yourself involves wellness

  • and relaxation.

  • Understands that, like muscles, skin needs exercise,a balanced diet, and tailored cosmetics.

  • Understands that intensive sports and low-calorie diets are not enough to get rid of stubborn fat and unsightly dimpling.

  • Wants to rediscover the face they love, not some fixed-expression recreated face.

  • Lives in their time and wants high-tech treatments along with healthy, natural, and responsible beauty.




*Results for 26 year old female after 26 sessions following the LPG Endermologie protocols and no surgery !

Due to weight fluctuations, pregnancies, passing time and other factors, the skin gradually loses its tonicity and suppleness.

Even though this skin sagging affects the entire body, certain areas are more sensitive to it: inner thighs, stomach, arms, etc.


TARGETED Fat Reduction

Despite regular exercise and diet, the body will continue to store fat in certain areas.


Lipomassage, a technique derived from Endermologie, probably the most prevalent in the world for over 25 years, is an effective solution to the problem of localised fat and sagging skin.


It is now possible to slim and reshape your figure quickly and sustainably – without surgery – in just a few sessions.


The motorized rollers of the LPG treatment head gently stimulate the skin to wake up the cells responsible for skin youth, the fibroblasts. Once activated, these cells begin to re-synthesize collagen (+240%*) and elastin – natural and essential substances for skin firmness.

Session after session, the skin quality improves and the skin becomes visibly firmer and more toned.

In 2014-2015, a staggering 63.4 percent of Australian adults were overweight or obese -- well over half of our nation's population. That's almost two in three adults.


This is an increase from 1995, which was 56.3 percent, illustrating that the problem is getting worse.

Excess weight, especially obesity, is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, some musculoskeletal conditions and some cancers. As the level of excess weight increases, so does the risk of developing these conditions. In addition, being overweight can hamper the ability to control or manage chronic disorders.*

Obesity is now recognised as a sign of our times. As a familiar contemporary social phenomenon, it has become a common scourge in most developed countries, and Australia is no exception to this trend.

Moreover, it is common to find that even the most severe diets and exercise regimes cannot overcome the persistent obstacles associated with excessive weight. The appearance of bulges only adds to the negative appeal that morbid obesity generates.

In response to these challenges, non-surgical methods have been developed that are particularly effective not only for your weight loss plan but also for harmoniously reshaping your body.

* Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

LPG During Pregnancy

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Proven Results:

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Evidence Based Science



As a world leader in cellular stimulation with its technologies for health, beauty and well-being, LPG® is now improving lives in 110 countries throughout the world. Thousands of women around the world are treated with this innovative technology.
​LPG®‘s International Scientific Committee of Research (CoSIRe) is made up of renowned experts from the health, beauty, and well-being industries.
​To date, 130 studies have been carried out by researchers and professional experts on such diverse topics as: the usefulness of endermologie® both before and after surgical or medical procedures, an evaluation of its effects on gluteo-femoral lipolysis, and fibroblast activity, among others.

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